Pack A Powerful Punch

By us focusing on just 3 of the many powerful strategies in the Book Arbitrage business these small but systematically used techniques have had a powerful impact on our ongoing business.

To accelerate our profits we are following several strategies as recommended by the creators of this book arbitrage opportunity i.e. Jon Shugart and Luke Sample to great effect. Anyone in the community who follows these strategies see ongoing wonderful results too.

men s black blazer

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”   ~ Benjamin Franklin ~

One of the most important strategies to ongoing profitability in book arbitrage is REPRICING. Amazon reward active accounts by exposing those books to more buyers. We reprice daily which lets Amazon know that we are actively working on selling our inventory. This way we sell more books and Amazon continue to display our bookstore to more customers.

I think of it as flinging open the doors of a brick and mortar bookstore with a banner to let our customers know that we are open for business. In addition to using Amazon’s automatic repricing software we spend some time every day manually repricing to ensure ongoing sales. Our bookstore may be virtual but our due diligence isn’t and our resulting profits are real.

Another strategy we apply is we buy our books based on RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI) and sell them based on the market. What I mean by that is when we purchase a book we do so based on the ROI we expect to get based on the Keepa charts e.g. 100%. However, by the time the book arrives in Amazon via the book prep centre the market can have changed somewhat so we now sell based on the current market value.

Keepa Chart Example 001
Keepa Chart Example

We do not hold out for the 100% return on investment any longer unless the market is still selling at the percentage. We immediately reprice our books to sell which could be for a profit of 60%. That’s still a whopping return. Initially, however, we made the mistake of holding on too long and waiting for the market to go back up.

This meant that instead of receiving a profit of 60% within 30 days and reinvesting that profit 2 or 3 times we held our books at a price set for 100% ROI which took in most cases 90-120 days to recoup, based on what we had originally paid for the book, and we thereby missed out on a lot more profit in the meantime.

This is an important point in this business. The market doesn’t care what you paid for the book. Sometimes, especially in the beginning with a small inventory we can become attached to our books or our return on investment figure. This slows the whole process way down.

The way to grow this business is speed of sale and reinvestment of profits. In the above example we could’ve had 180% return with the same money, had more sales i.e. profits, more activity on our account and thereby even more sales and expansion. This business is about flipping money as quickly as possible through the sale of quality lower priced books.

Having this as your premise for your business will accelerate your profitability and ensure that your financial freedom comes quickly and easily. Who doesn’t like that?

Over time it will be possible to hold out for more profits but until we are at the hundreds of thousands in sales mark, the above strategy is the most effective by far to get us there.

The third strategy that I would like to share is to regularly change the FILTER SETTINGS in the software when searching for books. There are literally millions of books available to buy on-line. Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon recently revealed that Amazon has over 100,000,000 prime customers.

That’s our target market. So there are hundreds of millions of books and there are at least one hundred million customers available. That’s powerful supply and demand by any standards.

Book Arb Filter Results
Example: Results from 1 Filter Setting

By changing the filter settings even slightly on my search for book deals a whole new array of books are accessed. For instance, I may put books with a low ‘sales rank’ e.g. 100,000 (this means it sells really fast) and ‘price used’ between $10-$15 in the search filter. I could then change this filter setting to a sales rank of 200,000 and set the used books price at $30. This will then give me a whole new set of books in my search results to choose from. There are so many settings available and each search presents new opportunities thereby an almost endless supply of books.

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”   ~ Jim Rohn ~

Taking this approach to our business model ensures that we are active, dynamic and successful. With this method we are really finding that there are no limits to how successful and financially free we can become.

Next, I will discuss the power of creating a compelling emotional vision for your business. This will mean that you no longer try to get there but you are coming from there which makes all the difference.

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What We Wish We Knew When We Started

Using this system allows us to grow our inventory and thereby sales in an accelerated manner and expand our buying, selling and thereby profitability in as short a time frame as I have ever seen.

The biggest thing that I wish I understood at the beginning was the strategy for the initial funding of book arbitrage as a business. Now, Jon & Luke explained it many times since last October but I did not hear it in a way that I really understood, that was until yesterday.

adult book business cactus

Their system for building wealth quickly is genius once you get it. It’s so easy I missed it. So here it is.

“We teach best what we most need to learn.”   ~ Richard Bach ~

Using a credit card buy as many books as you can using the software of course for speed and accuracy. For the sake of argument let’s say you have a credit card limit of $5,000. Spend the $5,000 on books and only pay the minimum amount off monthly. Let’s say for the sake of this example that’s $100 a month.

Now at the same time as you are paying $100 a month on your credit card you also have $5,000 in inventory actively working for you. Using this strategy from the beginning money can start rolling over as you make sales and reinvest those profits and it’s possible to receive 10, 20, 30, 50, 100% return on investment when you buy right.

To be clear, most credit cards have a minimum repayment of 3-5% but let’s put that at a whopping 15%. With the help of the book arbitrage software you can confidently predict anywhere from 10-100% return on investment with your active inventory – at $5,000 in our example.

When we add book trades to book arbitrage as another funding strategy it is a another phenomenal boost in profits. It is free money that is put on your AZ gift card that allows you to buy more books and boost more sales. That’s exponential growth for free!

Do you get it? I didn’t get this at first because I could not conceive of going into credit card debt as a way to build a business. My past financial woes included a lot of credit card debt that took me a long time to overcome. Perhaps you have a similar story.

However, using this system allows us to grow our inventory and thereby sales in an accelerated manner and expand our buying, selling and thereby profitability in as short a time frame as I have ever seen.

Continuing with this strategy to pay off a credit card at $100 a month whilst your profits grow in a compounding way once reinvested is why it is easily achievable to reach the target of six figures in a year to 18 months when applied right. All for $100 a month. That is insane to me.

“You don’t get any points in life for doing things the hard way.”   ~ Tim Fargo ~

Not understanding this or applying this strategy we got a loan out so we now have our money compounding for us in an accelerated way but it could’ve been even easier.

I would caveat this by saying when starting off for the first couple of months we would recommend buying a small number of books to learn how to buy right and wrong before committing your funds. But once you know what you’re doing I can see no reason not to pull the trigger.

New Zealand sign - choose - easy way - hard way

Why do something the slow hard way when there is a fast easy proven way? Well, even with mindset as my greatest strength I had a blind spot. Now I see it, watch this space for a change in gears. This already amazing business just became even easier!

Next, I will share other nuances that are making a difference to our bottom line. These small but systematically used techniques have a powerful impact on our ongoing business.

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Specific Figures

Having our money work for us 365 days a year 24/7 means we no longer have to work very much at all. Is there any job we could do where we could work 24/7? Obviously not which is why it is paramount that we have our money work for us.

In the last post I promised you some specifics in the figures we have created so far 9 months into this venture. They may not be sexy yet but they are only growing and that is the point. Compounding takes a little time. In this case, a whole year to 18 months! That’s not 30, 20 or even 10 years, that’s one year and we only expect to really see the magic of compounding accelerate from here on as it has already started.

close up of computer keyboard

Very often people give up when millions of dollars aren’t created in the first month. By the way in the next 4 months I would ask you to keep an eye on the specific figures by month 13. We have been working in the background on a project that is sure to blow the doors off what we have created financially so far with book arb and it’s still within book arb. We promise to show you how to do that too. More on that to come.

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”   ~ Bill Gates ~

As I’ve stated before our figures will be at $100,000 in sales in less than 18 months from a start of $1,000 and that’s without the added project we have underway that directly relates to this system. Now that’s a great return on investment by any standard.

And that’s pretty typical within our book arb community. Myself and Tom do not have any special skills that we are applying to this and there are others who have done way better than us and some others who are growing it gradually and consistently. That’s the point. It is possible to start this system where you are and to grow it at your own pace. Who cares if it takes a little longer than 18 months to create $100,000 in sales?

To date we have created $6,544.29 in sales. Now that’s more than every other year altogether in business online over 10 years.2018 07 19th - SALES TOTAL to DATE

In the month of May alone we invested $805.19, selling 81 books for a total of $2,362.42 and after all fees we got our investment of $805.19 back plus we made an additional $268.03 in clear profit in less than 30 days. Think about that in scalable terms.

Again, I add we have learned so much more even since May, it’s now July as I write this, and the books we are choosing now are even more profitable. We are still growing and becoming prosperous. That is the sweet spot of any business and we love that!2018 05 31st - SALES for MAY

Did I mention that as international sellers we do all this on-line without ever touching a book ? We are a book store who never sees our books. We do of course employ a prep centre to have the books we sell checked and upgraded for quality, ensuring our customers receive great value. The prep fee is also built into our figures and we still make a profit.

We know from our research that before we ever buy a book there is high demand for it. We are consistently honing our skills so that we can sell our books in less than 30, 60, 90 days or more depending on the profit margins we wish to make with each one. It is insanely easy for us to make money using this system.

“To get rich, you have to be making money while you’re asleep.”    ~David Bailey ~

Having our money work for us 365 days a year 24/7 means we no longer have to work very much at all. Is there any job we could do where we could work 24/7? Obviously not, which is why it is paramount that we have our money work for us. As I’ve said before the feeling we get waking up every morning with more money acquired whilst we slept is priceless.

This system is not the only way to get rich. That’s a given. But for us it is the most effective way we have seen for anyone to become financially free within a short amount of time that requires no college education, no special skills, no internet marketing expertise or a lot of money to get started.

Another bonus for us is that we didn’t build this system. Jon Shugart & Luke Sample did. We just apply it. Could it be more simple? Probably not.

Next I will share what I wish I had known when I started book arbitrage and the ways you can benefit from knowing that starting out.

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Accountability In Profit Making

Accountability keeps us on track and is the gift that keeps on giving. Our expansion is assured because of it and our success is certain and accomplished as a byproduct. We love it.

“Vision without execution is just hallucination.”   ~ Henry Ford ~

Everyone gets ideas about how to become rich at some point in their lives. The only difference between those who accomplish it and those who don’t is action.


The beauty of book arbitrage for us with Jon Shugart and Luke Sample is that the path to success has been so clearly laid out. They have left nothing to chance and given us the treasure map where X marks the spot for us to create certain wealth in our business.

We have been taught how to source books at low prices and sell at high prices by experts that are hugely successful with this business model and show up every week to answer our questions and help us to expand our business.

Imagine you had Henry Ford show up every week in your life showing you exactly how to become successful. Well….

Jon and Luke hold themselves accountable to the community by showing up every week. They are constantly expanding and upgrading their software which makes our lives easier, faster and of course more profitable on the backend. The power of their execution and intent of purpose inspires us as a community to be more accountable to ourselves and one another.

For our part we show up every day in our home business to buy books, reprice, do trades, and all the other tasks that it takes to run this mini empire. We hold ourselves accountable by showing up every week on the webinars that are there to help us grow.

Additionally we show up on Facebook to ask and answer questions with the community. Every week we blog our experience so that our journey may be of value to others and it is also an accountability strategy.

“What gets measured, gets improved.”   ~ Robin S. Sharma ~

It allows us to improve and grow our business because we are conscious of where we are and where we are going. Serving others and growing ourselves is a wonderful result!

With other members of our family, who are also creating financial freedom through this book arbitrage system, we hold weekly video calls where we discuss strategies and solutions and inspire each other to set and reach our weekly, monthly and yearly goals.

We schedule all of these activities so that we easily and systematically execute them. It requires very little effort because we have set it up this way. It’s what we do and who we are.

By holding ourselves accountable and by creating our lifestyle around our success we have made the road to success almost effortless and way more fun.

Masterminding our conscious financial freedom is not hard work. It is exciting. Holding ourselves accountable is easy when the goal is being reached daily, weekly, monthly and eventually yearly.

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not something to be waited for, but rather something to be achieved.”    ~ William Jennings Bryan ~

Accountability keeps us on track and is the gift that keeps on giving. Our expansion is assured because of it and our success is certain and accomplished as a byproduct. We love it.

Next, let me share with you some specific figures with you that we are accomplishing on our road to financial freedom. They are pretty cool.

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Jackpot City

I don’t know about you but working for ourselves from anywhere in the world in a business that is so predictable and profitable not to mention easy is the sweet spot for us.

If you knew a way, a certain way, of making profits that begin at 30% and go all the way up to 250% and even way beyond, that’s without knowing what you were doing, would you jump in?

That’s where we found ourselves in the Textbook season at the beginning of the year. We simply could not believe the profits that were available to us even though we had heard about it in our training. At that point we understood very little about how to deliberately profit from it.

man with fireworks

Now that we are coming into another textbook season and know what we’re doing we are primed to make even bigger profits. How fun is that?

We have joked that a trained monkey can make a lot of money in textbook season. ‘Jackpot city’ is a wonderful place to be when you are ready and the market is ready too.

Quite apart from the money that we made in the January/February textbook season and will make again shortly in the summer textbook season, it is exhilarating to watch the frenzy of sales and dynamic movement of profits on books.

The book market in July/August, when all the college kids return to school, is a hotbed of activity and I can only imagine (never having worked there) that it feels similar to the New York stock exchange on a bull run day, only the textbook market lasts over a month but with certain profitable outcomes.

There is no gambling. It’s purely a question of supply and demand and being in the right place at the right time to meet those factors. Since we keep building our inventory then textbook seasons to come will only grow in profitability. It’s a rinse and repeat system.

For example in our first textbook season we had 54 books in our inventory and we sold 22 of them which blew our minds at the time, one of our books was for a profit of 250% as mentioned above. For this season, August/September, we have 400 books so you do the math. Going forward it will only continue to grow.

Book - Medical Surgical Nursing 250%

It is exhilarating to source great quality books at great prices for our customers. To provide a service where they can get amazing value which then adds incredible profits to our bottom line is a win-win which is our lane for sure.

Book trading and arbitrage is a massively profitable business all year round as we are finding out but textbook season is a phenomenon which has to be experienced to be believed. It is amazing.

“The natural phenomenon of the universe is so mind-blowing, but you have to know about it. You have to be curious. You’ve got to find it on your own. If you’re lucky, you do.”   ~ Richard Linklater ~

To create financial freedom and independence in such a systematic, certain and scalable way is magical to us. Our entry level was low and thereby risk free. The pace we go at is our choice. The rate of scalability is our choice.

Our profitability is in direct proportion to our application of what we have been taught. So we are in charge of where we are and where we go from here. The exciting textbook seasons are exhilarating focal points for the year that add incredible fun and profitability to this business for us.

Our ability to engage in this business from anywhere in the world and make money brings with it not only money freedom but time and location freedom too.

I don’t know about you but working for ourselves from anywhere in the world in a business that is so predictable and profitable not to mention easy is the sweet spot for us.

Next, I’d love to talk to you about the power of accountability and how that has directly accelerated our progress in book arbitrage.

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Swimming In My Own Lane

Swimming in our own lane makes for delicious progress as this way we have no competition. We only have forward momentum and success pulling us along the way. We are supported on the sidelines by real experts so it’s all systems go.

Sometimes in life we thwart our efforts by comparing ourselves to the swimmer in the next lane. It seems we are conditioned to measure our success with others in our circle i.e. our family and peers.water swimming competition pool

Now that myself and Tom are swimming in a bigger pond with book arb and moving in circles with others who are ahead of us in the financial sense there are times when our conditioned minds can show up and balk at our efforts. This is a mind trap. Do not fall for it.

The reality is that we are creating more money online every day. Since we are surrounded by others who have expanded past the point where we now find ourselves then we are in the right pond as it were.

So we are in the right place at the right time doing the right things. Golden!

Anytime you find someone more successful than you are, especially when you’re both engaged in the same business – you know they’re doing something that you aren’t.   ~ Malcolm X ~

When we are the ones in the room with the most to learn and the most progress to be made still ahead of us then we have the most to gain by being there. The figures that our peers are creating are simply staggering to us at this point but since we are learning from the best we are in the process of becoming the best ourselves.

It is important to acknowledge our own progress along the way and to celebrate our wins. We often know more than we realise and I love when I find myself answering a question on our community Facebook group that will help somebody else just as we have been helped.

Consider how much progress could you make if you only compared yourself to where you were say this time last year.

The only competition worthy of a wise man is with himself.   ~ Washington Allston ~

For us, this time last year we did not have a successful online business. We did not know anything about the lucrative book buying and book trading business. We were not generating daily profits. We did not have a certain way for creating predictable sums of  money. We did not have a community of cheerleaders and experts helping us to grow our business daily. We did not have money compounding at the extraordinary rate it is today.

Comparing ourselves to where we were and celebrating our wins gives us and our business powerful momentum. We are the only ones who are ultimately responsible for it so it is vital that we feel appreciation and passion for this entity that is changing our lives financially.

It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.   ~ Babe Ruth ~

Positively reinforcing our efforts and honoring our progress to date fuels the trajectory of this amazing business. Being on board a train that is picking up speed and creating more profits and momentum along the way is exhilarating.

Successful book arbitrage business is a train that is available to everyone who has an internet connection and basic IT skills which excites me.

Swimming in our own lane makes for delicious progress as this way we have no competition. We only have forward momentum and success pulling us along the way. We are supported on the sidelines by real experts so it’s all systems go.

Next, let me share with you the exhilarating nature of textbook season and the amazing bump in profits that brings.

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Had I allowed my techno-phobia to take me out of the game before I got started then I would not be in the successfully financial position I am today.

When I say that I am technically challenged then I mean it. I can email, search google and buy stuff on-line. That’s pretty much it.

So how is that I am creating more money every day even while I sleep through book arbitrage? I would say commitment is key for me and playing to my off-line strengths.


For one thing the training is done in super small steps, thank God. I watched the videos a few times to get what everyone else seemed to get first time. So what? In this area of my life I am learning to create money as a by product of being alive. I am happy to give my attention to that.

For another, I agree with what Henry Ford said “the best way is always the simplest.” I ask lots of questions on the private facebook page and on-line webinars. No, there is no question that is too elementary.  Bruce Lee said “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” The more questions I ask the more I learn and whenever I ask a question others learn too.

I ask for help from the people in my life. I am married to Tom who is a systems genius. He has automated a system for us to keep track of all our purchases and sales with this rinse and repeat system with office spreadsheets etc. If this is something that is hard for you to do as it is for me, then two things. One, it is easy to find someone else who can do it. Most of the kids learn it in school nowadays or we all have friends who work in an office who could show us. Or two, take a night class. In this case with book arbitrage learning this skill could allow you to keep account of your money as it rolls in. If that doesn’t entice you then nothing will.

We paid for a mentor in book arbitrage for a couple of months to grow our understanding and application of this business. This proved invaluable to the acceleration our understanding of this simple model and as a consequence our business.

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”    ~ Henry Ford ~

I mentioned in an earlier blog that some of my extended family are involved in book arbitrage as a money building venture too and every week we get together on a video call about book arbitrage where we talk about how our week was and set goals for the coming week. The power of accountability has proven dynamic in our shared momentum in our individual businesses.

Next, I know my strengths and weaknesses in using the book arbitrage software itself. I know my lane in this business and I do that really well. I do each piece until I can do it in my sleep and then I add another skill. At the moment I purchase books. I reprice. I show up for all the webinars to learn more. I am on the Book Arbitrage Facebook page a lot asking and answering questions expanding my learning and giving back to others.

This is a key skill because one of the most effective ways to learn something is to teach it to others too. I am writing this blog to document my journey to entrench my learning and to fulfill my purpose of helping others create financial certainty in their lives. This is my favourite piece.

Had I allowed my techno-phobia to take me out of the game before I got started then I would not be in the successfully financial position I am today. I approach it in the same way I learned to drive a car. I couldn’t do it at first but I learned new skills each week until I could do it on auto pilot and it’s the same with this.

I have set myself up for success by immersing myself in it for one year until I become all but hands off with this model. This system is so easy to learn and many others ahead of us have hired VA’s (Virtual Assistants) to do most of the work they don’t want to do or can’t do, like spreadsheets etc. Would you be willing to work for one year to have the rest of your life off with just an hours work a day?

Technophobe or not, I am succeeding with this business. Ask yourself, what is holding you back from doing this business and solve it. That is what I did.

We live in a world that at a push of a button we have access to answers, at the speed of light, through the internet. Are you really saying to yourself that you can’t do this or be bothered to create massive wealth for you and your family easily?

Think about what you could do with unlimited money and freedom for yourself and your family. What experiences could you have? What quality of life could you and they have?

I know that for me my life has taken off since I took charge of my financial destiny. I know what I can accomplish for myself and my family even after I’m gone and that is exhilarating to think about.

In the next blog I will share the importance of staying in my own lane when swimming in this bigger pond of financial success with the big boys and big numbers that are new to me and still being delighted with my own progress.

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Obstacles or Opportunities

The ability to clearly evaluate life’s many opportunities free of my mind’s negative chatter has led to me being a more powerful decision maker in every area of my life.

Why is it we sometimes say that something is too good to be true but we never say something is too bad to be true??

Funny how our unchecked minds love to throw rocks at us when we are either moving forward or even considering moving forward with an idea. Who hasn’t met with doubt and procrastination along the way when thinking of doing something new in any area of our lives?


It makes sense because as a society we were generally conditioned to watch out for the pitfalls in life. Think about how our well intended parents warned us about not running too fast or you’d fall or not to climb the tree that was too high. From very early on we were cautioned routinely about not taking risks or going too far.

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.”   ~ Buddha ~

In considering how that builds thought patterns in our minds going forward in life it isn’t hard to see why they show up as a first line of defence automatically. We can’t win in life when our default mode is one of defence.

Roll forward with these messages ingrained as the way it is in our minds and surrounding worlds and it becomes the norm for a lot of us it seems. What if we could change these patterns and instead of being guarded automatically, we could install the ability to think clearly without the interruption of an internal dominant nanny who demands total compliance (our defensive minds). Nurse Ratched anyone? (Fictional character from the movie “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” who desires order, who wants complete power, who manipulates her patients and staff to fulfill her desires).

Einstein said, “The most important question you can ever ask is if the world is a friendly place.”  Is your mind a wonderful place to live that is filled with excitement and great expectation that things always work out for you? Or does your mind err on the side of caution and doom? Have you ever even considered if this world is for you or against you?

These questions are important for you to consider before making any decisions in your life. Do you see opportunities or obstacles in your way? By now some false premises should be ringing a few bells as a wake up call. Who is running your mind? This is a deep rabbit hole but for the purposes of this blog let’s just talk about what doubt and procrastination are and how to eliminate them.

Both of these thought structures are based in fear (FEAR – False Evidence Appearing real). That is to say they are based on something that may not actually be true and usually not something that is currently happening i.e. not in this present moment. Our minds love to tell what could happen in the future and this builds anxiety and of course it’s usually bad when based on scare tactics. This all gets played out in our minds in a soap opera style nano second and dismissed just as quickly because who wants to feel that little lot?

Doubt and procrastination are habitual thought structures that live in our minds that guard against and resist new ideas or people as dangerous. Doubt shows up as fear of something not working out so don’t even consider looking at it because why bother when it won’t work out. It hasn’t worked out before so why would it this time? Sound familiar?

Procrastination is usually based on what would others think and freezes us to the spot and distracts from taking any action to bring something new about. The message sounds something like “stay still and don’t do anything because what would they (others) think?” Psst…your mind seems like it’s protecting you but it’s stifling you because any introduction to change is met with fear and mistrust. How on earth are you supposed to create lasting change in your life when change is seen as the enemy and a threat?

These thoughts can run the show in our minds when we are not present to evaluate them. Most people in the world operate under the assumption that the thoughts in their heads are true. Remember we said we create our worlds with our minds. With these two lunatics (doubt and procrastination being only 2 of many others) running amok in our heads unchecked and not being brought in for questioning the terror state can be alive and well in our minds.

With doubt and procrastination automatically showing up in our minds to shut down opportunities before we even get a chance to evaluate them is it any wonder that easy success or relationships have not come our way? We’ve been playing defense in the game of life rather than offense.

I know your mind maybe arguing for its case that procrastination and doubt can be a good thing? If something or someone isn’t right or being truthful then certainly it is important that you listen to that feeling. We have to be able to switch off the noise in our minds to differentiate between our intuition and our fear. One easy way to distinguish between our inner nutter and our intuition. Intuition usually speaks to us through feelings. Our fear based mind communicates through thoughts.

“If you cannot control what you think about then you cannot create the future you desire.”   ~ Andy Shaw ~

Having command of our minds and not just constant chatter makes those distinctions easy to spot and easy to eliminate. When doubt and procrastination show up as thoughts remember first that they are just thoughts. You are not your thoughts. You have thoughts.

Second, I like to write these thoughts down one at a time and look at them. I usually write them on a big white board in blue and place a red line under it with an arrow on either end and ask if this thought is bringing me closer to my desires or further away ( this is a powerful technique that I learned from Andy Shaw of Creating a Bug Free Mind) and then just look at them. It can be done just as easily on a piece of paper. By seeing the thought as separate to myself this usually removes any emotional charge from it at first.

Then in evaluating their merits outside of me and by being present if it’s not true after a couple of minutes of looking at them they usually dissolve and I feel lighter. That’s when I know that the thought has been eliminated because I feel lighter. Hint: If something is true there is no loss in looking at it. If on the other hand it’s not true you have everything to gain by eliminating it.

As a big mindset person I have done this many many times over the years and it has proven magnificently powerful for me. I no longer have these thought structures in my mind.

Do not let your mind take you out and say that this technique is too simple. Give it a go and watch what happens. Imagine your life without these demons running your mind and then having the ability to examine life’s opportunities rather than running scared from invisible terrorists in your mind.

Once you are free of the stranglehold of doubt and procrastination obstacles and opportunities begin to feel like the same thing. You can meet both with ease, objectivity and appreciation. Opportunities show up as obstacles i.e. the way to figure out how to do something new rather than a sign not to do it and obstacles show up as opportunities showing you the way to do it. It’s very cool and yes it is that easy.

The ability to clearly evaluate life’s many opportunities free of my mind’s negative chatter has led to me being a more powerful decision maker in every area of my life and  and it’s why as a technophobe I have the ability to succeed with Book arbitrage as a totally online business – like on the computer!!

Read on to see how a technophobe is succeeding with only limited IT skills and why I am so excited to share this opportunity with so many others i.e. if I can do it then anyone can and become financially successful in the process. Now that’s brilliant…..

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The Tipping Point

It is crazy fun to make money every day. I never factored that in, in the beginning just how exhilarating that would feel. Especially after so many years of trial and error.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines the Tipping Point as “the time at which a change or an effect cannot be stopped.”

I would agree with this definition because our book arbitrage business has taken on a life of its own and has its own momentum already.

blue and yellow graph on stock market monitor

The tipping point has happened to us with this book arbitrage business in that if we never invested any additional money into the business and just keep using the system correctly (and why wouldn’t we, we are making money) and continue to reinvest our profits our financial success is for certain.

How many things can I say that about in my life? Not many. The compounding effect of this business is proving “bananas” (unbelievably crazy). It really is amazing. Even if we only continued to make 30% profits on each of our books, which in the business world is crazy good but in this business is on the conservative side, our financial success is assured. This really is the foot in the door to true wealth creation for the little guy and gal.

Now that we know what we’re doing it’s way easier for us to consistently average 100% profits on our books and that’s year round. In textbook season we can add another zero onto that percentage as we are compounding our money every 30 to 60 days.

2018 06 08th Sales Screenshot

In this last 30 days alone we have sold 85 books. Momentum is really moving and it only keeps getting better. We are waking up every morning to more money in our accounts which feels amazing. Talk about sleeping our way to success….ha ha!!

Now this is by no means epic yet but the momentum and compounding effect is staggering already as we have a bigger pot to buy more books for next month and then the month after that and so on.

“A good system shortens the road to the goal.”    ~ Orison Swett Marden ~

I promised that I would share this journey with you so that you too can see how it’s possible even starting on a small budget in a step by step way. We have not done anything extraordinary to achieve this. We are simply following the system that Jon Shugart and Luke Sample have laid us for us all.

Our budget is growing every month because the sales are happening every day now. Our projected year end earnings should range in the six figure category and the compounding effect of that for next year is mind boggling.

The speed with which this is happening with this business is truly remarkable and revolutionary. Can you imagine the opportunities that we are opening ourselves to now that we will have real capital to invest in our future?

It is crazy fun to make money every day. I never factored that in, in the beginning just how exhilarating that would feel. Especially after so many years of trial and error.

If you are thinking, “that it’s nice for you Yvette but it probably wouldn’t work for me” or “is it really that good”, then read on in the next blog where I will explain how to manage the mind chatter that interjects doubt and procrastination into your world and what to do about it.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life. will fall into place.”    ~ Lao Tzu ~

The worst thing that could happen in the next year is that your mind convinces you to do nothing and continue to live the same life and have the same income. If you are already living the life of your dreams then bravo and continued success and happiness to you. This could simply add a “no brainer” extra income stream to your pot. Who doesn’t love that?

If you’re not living your dream life yet and money seems to be the barrier then I’m guessing that an additional €100,000 to €1,000,000 in the next 2 years could change that for you. With your kind consideration, I would love to remove that invisible obstacle (mind block) with you in just a few minutes in the next blog. Yes, that is possible too…

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Mindset is Everything

Our minds are our dream makers or breakers. Having our minds tuned to expect success and happiness is the key element to a fulfilling life in every way.

As alluded to in the other blog, mindset is what separates the wheat from the chaff when it comes to success.

As easy as this system is and it is easy, if your mind isn’t tuned for success it is easy to find a way to mess it up or at the very least slow it down.

sunset spanish point

We have been on this journey with book arb since October. We have had so much support through the training and community and yet it took a while for it to really sink in that this business is less about selling books and more about flipping money. Success is achieved through the speed of turnover of sales and ploughing the profits back into the business. This is what achieves breath taking compound auto profits. We bought good books or so we thought starting off. Now, we look at them and giggle. What were we thinking and yet mistakes are part of the road to success.

For most of the world mistakes can be viewed as something that went wrong, an inadequacy of some kind or that success is not meant to be. Believe me, I used to think the same thing as I created business failure after business failure. Now, though I have come to see that building in mistakes as part of the journey makes for success.

The biggest mistakes we made with this business were not reading the sales charts (keepa charts, more on these at a later time) thoroughly enough. Also, we kept holding out for more profits on every sale i.e. we did not reprice competitively enough in the beginning. However, once we realised that profits of 30% turned over quickly on every dollar many times a year amounts to way more than of 100% ROI annually. Very satisfactorily, we are beginning to see the results in our profits with that change of approach.

Compound interest is the eight wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ….. he who doesn’t ……. pays it.               ~Albert Einstein~

We may have been spoiled during the one and a half bumper season we have experienced so far (there are typically 2-3 textbook seasons throughout the year, Jan-March, May to Jun & August to October when college kids do bulk buying) when we were commanding sales from 100-250% ROI (return on Investment) and expecting that to continue. Not that that is not achievable over and over again but not every day!

The other invisible impediment could well have been that I was so used to not achieving success that when it came wrapped in a big red bow, like this one did, that it took me a while to really understand that making money is easy. Of course, there is work involved but now we’re creating money that will make a life-changing difference to our families and it’s just a rinse and repeat system now that we are getting it down.

The other exciting element for us is that others in the community who are a year ahead of us time wise, using this system, are already working one hour a day and creating tens of thousands of dollars in income.

The velocity and speed with which success is possible with this has been amazing for us. It’s why we put the last of our savings into this. It’s why I walked everywhere and took buses for six months having put the money to purchase our car into the business. Now, I’m not talking a Ferrari, at least not yet, I had put aside €1,000 to put towards purchasing a second-hand car but having that money work for us to get us to where we are now has been worth it. Next year I will be in the happy position to buy any brand-new car I desire.

There will be many more posts about mindset as that is my area of passion. Our minds are our dream makers or breakers. Having our minds tuned to expect success and happiness is the key element to a fulfilling life in every way. We are finding financial success with this system transformational. Having this part of our lives squared away is clearing the way for success to show up in every other area of our lives too.

In the next blog I will describe some of the key habits I perform daily that makes success with book arb a certainty. After all, success is a habit too.

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